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The latest technological advancements and innovations in demineralisation processes

The latest technological advancements in demineralisation processes

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In the era of AI, there’s a technology update in the blink of an eye. Staying updated with the advancements gives you a first-mover advantage to ace the game. Here, we discuss the latest technological advancements and innovations shaping the world of the water demineralisation process. Keep reading to learn more!

Top 9 Latest Technological Advancements

Here are the top nine latest technological advancements in demineralisation processes:

Advanced Membrane Technology

The membranes made from nanocomposite and biomimetic membranes are the most advanced membrane technology. These membranes have significantly improved the efficiency and selectivity of demineralisation. These membranes have higher flux rates and are more resistant to fouling, making them much more suitable for large-scale applications. They also help you to save your pennies on energy and operational costs!

Electrodialysis Metathesis (EDM)

This advanced process for demineralisation is the result of combining electrodialysis with an ion-exchange membrane, which enhances the removal of salts and other minerals from water. 

Instead of simple cation/anion exchange membranes, it incorporates mono selective membranes. The advantage of using a mono selective membrane is that the concentrates can contain salts like NaCl, CaCL2, MgCl2, and Na2SO4, which will not precipitate even when concentrated to the solubility limit in the downstream processes. Thereby preventing the scaling of the membrane and increasing the yield during concentration.  

As this process can efficiently demineralise highly saline water while consuming less energy than the traditional method, it has recently gained the decision-makers interest.  

Capacitive Deionization (CDI)

CDI is an energy-efficient alternative to conventional demineralisation, offering low operational costs and less water rejection. It is an electro-sorption method, where an electrical potential difference is maintained between two electrodes, typically made of porous carbon. The ions from the water move into electrostatic double layers formed at the interface between the electrodes and the solution. 

This technology is most suitable for treating brackish water. It is becoming increasingly popular as it removes salt ions from the water, unlike other technologies that extract water from the salt solution. Recently, CDI systems have been combined with other purification methods to enhance their performance.

Forward Osmosis (FO)

FO is an emerging water treatment technology that relies on a natural osmotic pressure gradient for water purification through a semi-permeable membrane. This contradicts the traditional reverse osmosis, which uses hydraulic pressure to force water through the membrane. As this method requires less energy, it is preferred over reverse osmosis. It offers other benefits like high water recovery rates and reduced fouling, and its versatile applications make it a go-to option. 

The labs have studied the superior quality of graphene oxide-based membranes to enhance permeability and selectivity, along with novel draw solutions like magnetic nanoparticles and thermosensitive hydrogels to improve their performance.

Electrodeionization (EDI)

The process involves using ion exchange resins combined with electric current to remove ions. This continuous process does not require chemicals for regeneration, making it environmentally friendly.

The EDI system enables high-purity water production, essential for pharmaceutical manufacturing. At TSA, we offer full or partial heat sanitisation, integrating softening, reverse osmosis, and continuous electrodeionization to ensure a high-purity solution.

Digital Twin Technology

A sophisticated concept recently applied for water demineralisation. The Digital Twin Technology creates a virtual replica of the demineralisation system that simulates and predicts the behaviour of the actual system under various operating conditions. The hi-fi technology allows operators to optimise performance, predict maintenance needs, and enhance decision-making by comprehensively understanding the system dynamics. 

The Digital twins use data from the sensors and IoT devices in combination with advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide valuable insights in real-time. 

Machine Learning and AI Integration

Applying machine learning and artificial intelligence in demineralisation processes enables real-time monitoring and optimisation of system performance. It helps predict membrane fouling, optimise operational parameters, and reduce energy consumption, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective demineralisation operations​.  

AI systems can recognise patterns in operational data that indicate potential issues, provide early intervention, and minimise disruptions. When anomalies are detected, the intelligent system can automatically alert operators and provide recommendations for corrective actions.

Process Optimization

Automated control systems and AI algorithms optimise demineralisation processes by adjusting real-time operational parameters based on changing feedwater conditions and system performance. 

At TSA, we apply Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) to automate the control of pumps, valves, and other mechanical components based on sensor inputs and predefined parameters. We also implement Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems that provide a centralised platform for monitoring and controlling demineralisation processes. Operators can visualise system status, receive alerts, and adjust as needed. We help you integrate Automated Reporting Systems to automatically generate compliance reports, ensuring all regulatory requirements are met.

Sustainable and Green Solutions

With increasing awareness of sustainable development, environmentally friendly demineralisation processes leverage renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Adopting energy-efficient technologies and practices like zero liquid discharge technology and electrocoagulation is gaining traction among industry decision-makers.

Our Advanced Closed-loop recirculation system is ideally suited for sustainable operations. This innovative skid-mounted system complies with US FDA 21 CFR part 11 and efficiently recycles water and energy.

Engineering Innovative Solutions with TSA

At TSA, we specialise in solving process and high-purity challenges worldwide for pharma, biopharma, and biotech companies. Our team of process designers, engineers, process automation experts, and project managers are industry insiders—we understand your needs and speak your language. We’re dedicated to customising solutions and relentlessly pursuing continuous process improvement and upskilling to deliver cutting-edge solutions.

Our technical expertise, integrity, and uncompromising commitment to quality and service make us the preferred partner for any high-purity or process challenge in the pharma, biopharma, and biotech sectors. We never settle for the status quo; instead, we continuously elevate our technology to help you achieve greater efficiency and cost optimisation.

With TSA, you have a formidable ally in your corner. Contact us today to conquer any water challenge.

Think Best, Think TSA!


1) What are the latest advancements in membrane technology for water demineralisation?

The latest advancements in membrane technology for water demineralisation include membranes made from nanocomposite and biomimetic membranes.

2) How do electrochemical processes enhance efficiency and sustainability in demineralisation?

Unlike chemical-based treatments, electrochemical processes like electrodeionization and capacitive deionisation consume less energy. Electrochemical processes often require minimal to no chemical additives for regeneration or operation. This reduces chemical usage, waste production, and environmental impact.

3) What is the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in optimising demineralisation systems?

AI and machine learning optimise demineralisation by analysing real-time data for process efficiency, predictive maintenance, and energy optimisation. They enhance quality control, enable intelligent decision-making, adapt to changing conditions, integrate with IoT for comprehensive monitoring, and optimise chemical usage, ensuring sustainable and efficient water treatment.

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