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Innovations and Challenges in Water Demineralization

Innovations and Challenges in Water Demineralization

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Scientists warn that the Earth is experiencing increasingly severe heat events due to climate change. In this scenario, freshwater availability is becoming more unpredictable and stressed. As responsible leaders, we must implement sustainable solutions wherever possible. The water demineralisation process is one such area where sustainable solutions must be developed and implemented.

At TSA, we are passionate about solving every water-related challenge. This blog highlights some common challenges you face and the innovative solutions you can implement. Keep reading to learn more!

Challenges and Innovations

Water demineralisation is a critical process in pharma that requires constant monitoring and control to ensure the system performs at its best. In this section, we discuss the current challenges and the innovative solutions available to be opted for: 

1. Scaling and Fouling

Problems like Mineral scaling and organic fouling are persistently faced, specifically in systems like reverse osmosis (RO) and ion exchange for demineralisation. Scaling reduces the efficiency of membranes and resin beds, increasing operational costs and maintenance charges. 

Innovation: Anti-Scaling and Anti-Fouling Technologies

To prevent scaling and fouling, advanced membrane coating has been developed to reduce the adhesion of contaminants, thus enhancing the durability of the membranes. Improved formulations of antiscalant chemicals are available to prevent the precipitation of minerals that cause scaling.  ​ 

2. Membrane and Resin Degradation

Over time, the RO membranes and ion exchange resins degrade due to exposure to harsh chemicals and high operational pressures. As a result, the system’s overall performance could be better and require more costly replacements. 

Innovation: Enhanced Membrane and Resin Longevity

The use of nanocomposite materials to design membranes has been studied to improve resistance to degradation and fouling. Scientists are developing advanced ion exchange resins with higher regeneration efficiency and less chemical use. Electrochemical methods for resin regeneration are also being studied. 

3. Energy Consumption

The demineralisation process, like RO, is energy-costing, increasing operational costs and the environmental footprint. 

Innovation: Energy-Efficient Processes

The energy recovery turbines in reverse osmosis systems capture and reuse the energy, significantly reducing the total energy consumed. You can also choose to install a hybrid system: a combination of reverse osmosis with capacitive deionisation (an energy-intensive process) can reduce the overall energy consumed. 

TSA renders an Advanced closed-loop recirculation system to purify water while saving on water and energy.  

4. Chemical Use and Disposal

Since ion exchange processes rely heavily on chemicals for resin regeneration, several challenges are faced during their handling and disposal. These chemicals seriously threaten the environment if not disposed of safely.  

Innovation: Chemical-Free Water Treatment

Opt for an Electrodeionzation system for water purification since it combines ion exchange resins with electrochemical separation to remove ionised species from water without requiring chemical regeneration. It is highly efficient as it reduces chemical usage and produces less waste. Another chemical free-water treatment, like advanced oxidation processes, uses UV light, ozone and hydrogen peroxide to degrade organic chemicals. 

TSA offers full or partial heat sanitisation, incorporating softening, reverse osmosis and continuous electrodeionization to guarantee a high-purity solution. 

5. Water Recovery Rates

Achieving high water recovery rates can prove challenging, especially when water with high contaminants is to be purified. Lower water recovery rates lead to high amounts of wastewater production and high water consumption, affecting sustainability and cost-efficiency. 

Improved Water Recovery

Advanced RO systems are available that ensure high recovery rates that treat more water while producing less waste. Such innovations include low-fouling membranes and optimised flow dynamics. 

Another innovation includes zero liquid discharge technologies, which aim to eliminate wastewater discharge by recovering and reusing all water within the system. It employs thermal evaporators and crystallisers

6. Microbial Contamination

Preventing microbial contamination can be challenging since the water demineralisation systems are prone to microbial growth, requiring frequent sanitisation. If any microbial contamination is added through this system, it compromises the water quality and, in turn, affects product quality and safety. 

Innovation: Microbial Control

A chemical-free disinfection method, such as UV light, can control microbial growth in the water system. Powerful oxidants such as Ozone can effectively kill microbes without leaving harmful residues post-treatment. 

7. Regulatory Compliance

The system must be meticulously controlled and monitored to comply with stringent regulatory standards set by the USP, EP, and JP. The company must continuously invest in monitoring equipment and train personnel to ensure continuous compliance, which may prove costly.  

Innovation: Advanced Monitoring and Compliance

Companies can invest in real-time monitoring systems with IoT to track water quality parameters continuously. Automated control systems are available to adjust operational parameters in response to real-time data, thus maintaining optimum water purification conditions. TSA’s water demineralisation system has customisation options to automate sanitisation and sterilisation processes. These computerised systems are cost-effective, reliable, and efficient in ensuring compliance at every point. 

8. Operational Expertise

Hiring personnel with specialised knowledge and expertise is necessary to ensure the system’s effective operation and maintenance. A shortage of skilled personnel can directly lead to operational inefficiencies and increases the risk of non-compliance. 

Innovation: Operational Expertise and Training

Services like remote monitoring and diagnostic services assist the experts in troubleshooting and optimising the system without being physically present at the site. 


As we conclude this blog, we want you to know we are by your side to help you solve any water-related challenge. Our engineers understand your perspective and speak your language. We listen to your pain points empathetically and tailor solutions specifically for you—a promise we’ve already delivered.

We provide innovative solutions, offer technical assistance, and empower you with the knowledge needed to enhance your operations.



1. What are the training requirements for operating advanced demineralisation systems effectively?

Operators need to be trained on the latest technologies, best practices for maintenance, and real-time monitoring systems to ensure efficient and compliant operation of demineralisation systems.

2. How can water recovery rates be improved in demineralisation systems?

Water recovery rates can be improved by optimising reverse osmosis systems to minimise wastewater production and zero liquid discharge; an innovative and effective technology can be chosen.

3. What are the environmental impacts of chemical use in demineralisation, and what alternatives are available?

Excessive use of chemicals for resin regeneration and membrane cleaning causes environmental pollution and increases operational costs. Technologies like Electrodeionization and advanced oxidation processes can be used instead to eliminate or reduce the use of harmful chemicals. 

4. What advancements have been made to reduce the energy consumption of demineralisation processes?

To make the demineralisation process an energy-saving system, you can incorporate energy recovery devices such as pressure exchangers in reverse osmosis systems and install hybrid systems that combine multiple demineralisation techniques to improve overall energy efficiency.

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